Sunday, December 5, 2010


I've sorta dropped off this blog for a while*, but I'm back. For a quick second at least, and because I have something to ask you all. I was going to disguise my plea for answers in a fun QOW (since I know you love those!) but really, I just need your help.

A few weeks ago my mom asked if I had any light delicates. I had a few, so I made a pile to add to her load. Sweaters, bras, etc. I also needed to wash my black sweatpants, which I've had forever and washed a million times. I didn't imagine it had any dye left to bleed in it, so I threw it in.


Of course, the only things damaged were a sweater and an office shirt of my mom's. They both have a few black blotches on them now. Oops. I feel terrible, but they went through the dryer and everything, so there's nothing I can do. I mean, it's a stain...but not the kind you can remove, right? I am flummoxed to think of anything that could separate the black dye out from the pink, and leave the pink, so I haven't tried anything yet. And, each day I don't do anything, my mom gets madder and madder because she thinks there must be something I can do and that I am just being lazy. Today she thew a guide called "How to Clean Practically Anything" at me.

So I ask you, to save my relationship with my mother (actually, truth be told, she told me she wouldn't get me any Christmas presents unless I fixed her shirts), is there anything I can do?

Sorry, Mom!

* I took a trip to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving!

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