Saturday, December 25, 2010

My gift to you

Merry Christmas everyone! Even though this is supposed to be a sad Christmas for me and my family (minus my Dad), I'm pretty full of cheer. There were a few times at the Christmas Eve service where I got a tad sentimental and missed him a lot, but for the most part, I've had a great Christmas season. Everyone's been happy, there's not too much stress, and I got a pretty great early surprise: I get to stay here! My once-plan to move to Massachusetts has been overshadowed by a greater plan, which is that my girlfriend comes back here instead! Pretty awesome, right?

After the service tonight my friends Hannah, Monica and I went caroling! It's a tradition, and we were able to uphold it this year despite some serious absences. We made some people very happy, and we enjoyed it quite a lot ourselves. Ate some great cake and cookies in the process, too. We even did a cross-country performance using videochat!, waking our audience from a dead sleep (oops).

Then I wrapped a bunch of presents, which I did in front of our new gas fireplace, next to a Christmas tree, with holiday music playing. It was so frickin cozy and stereotypical I almost couldn't handle it. So I took a video! Is it just me, or does time lapse make everything funny? This turned out way better than I was thinking it would. Hope it fills you with Christmas cheer! I wish I knew how to add music, but I don't, so go play some holiday song while the video plays.

yeah...the camera fell off the couch midway through, that's what all of that was about. 

If that didn't get you in the mood, listen to this-- My 7 year old neighbor showed me this awesome website so you can track Santa! Imagine my excitement when I went to get the link for you guys and saw that Santa was in San Diego, California. That is nearby! Now I just checked it again, and he's in Anchorage, Alaska. Dang, he must have come when I blinked...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When Parents Text

Announcing the best thing I've seen on the internet lately!! And I hear from my friend Connie that it's a "Smith HP venture" which I'm pretty sure means it was started by one of Smith's House Presidents. Sometimes Connie is hard to understand - she's an econ major, and she's British. So I neither understand what she's talking about nor the words she's saying. JK!

I like to poke fun of my friends a lot

Anyway, the site is That about says it all, you guys can figure it out from there. These are some of my favorites:

Mom: What’s that site you like to find jokes on? Noodle About?
Me: Stumble Upon.

Dad: Hi Roo! Don’t let your studies get the best of you! Just do the best you canand you will be fine! You’re probably thinking easy for him to say! But I know how you feel! I often feel overwhelmed at work! Actually I’m on my way to work to rework my reply brief! I’m not happy with the first draft! I ask myself- why is this so hard? Anyway, it will all work out ! Love, Dad
Mom: Lunar eclipse tonight 1:30 am next one 2094- I’LL BE DEAD

but the one that had me in stitches was

Mom: How do I turn my phone off?
Me: Hold the red power button down. It’s usually the end call button
Mom: I don’t understand. I am getting on a plane. I don’t want to cause a plane crash.
Mom: Hi this is Steve, your mom wanted to let you know she found help turning off her phone, she’ll talk to you in 14 hours. Love you! (this is mom)

I wish I had saved the first text I ever got from my mom.  It was some very disjointed sentence with terrible punctuation (very unlike my mom). It went something like this:
It's snowing   Steve sledded down the street! so much fun. 
And I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Come to find out later, she was in Seattle with her brother visiting their sister, and it was snowing. They all grew up in Texas, and now they live in Houston, the Bay Area, and Seattle, so their encounters with snow are rare. They are all about 60, so them sledding was ridiculous in itself. I thought the whole thing was hilarious. Oh, and I think it was split into two texts that she sent like 20 minutes apart.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ego boost

Did you ever wonder what it would feel like to have people applaud and yell for you? To have a giant crowd of people so excited, happy, and enthusiastic just because you're there, and maybe you sang or gave a moving speech or  performed a heroic act? (who knows what it is each one of us will do?)

Well, Taylor Swift had that happen to her, and you can read exactly how it felt on her face and it's on video. So  you can feel like that too! And close your eyes and imagine that the crowd is for you. I can't imagine from someone who wouldn't benefit from that. I've gotta say, it feels pretty awesome. so watch:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pink Bride

Look at this pretty pink dress! doesn't that make you smile? ...with envy?

the whole she-bang was kinda cute (find it here). Yes, I subscribe to wedding blogs on my reader...started with my brother's wedding, and I actually did a lot of research for them. But that was in August so now I have no reason and I look at them anyway. but less than I used to!

Monday, December 13, 2010


Damn! I really want these shoes. One of my favorite blogs, Urban Grace (though truth be told I like her sister Darby's better) did a Christmas wish list for each of the girls that work in the Urban Grace interior decorating office. The owner and writer, Erika, asked for another Frye flat and I started browsing... I want some new flats...all of mine smell pretty bad at this point! And I think these are just about perfect. I love that blue with the brass studs, and they look comfy. Pop of color, anyone?

Ahhh! They are so cute. I just can't spend that much on a pair of shoes (though I may end up convincing myself)

if any of Santa's elves are reading this, they can be bought here.

Kenny G (Fun Fact)

In this series, I'd like to share interesting tidbits and useless information. You'll thank me the next time you're having an awkward moment at a holiday party.

Without further ado, here is our first Fun Fact
In 1997, Kenny G earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for playing the longest note ever recorded on a saxophone. Using circular breathing, Kenny G held an E-flat for 45 minutes and 47 seconds at J&R Music World in New York City.[14]
 Whoa! That's a long time to be playing a note. Can you imagine watching that happen? It'd be a cross between really amazing and really boring. I wonder what the rest of his body was doing at that time. What facial expression do you imagine he would have made?

I always thought Kenny G was some super cool rapper. Now I know he looks like this

and is definitely not a gangsta. He's a 90s breakout star jazz saxaphone player.

What kind of saxaphone player has a gangsta name like  Kenny G? I feel tricked. And surprised. This is as mindblowing as when I found out that Georgia O'Keefe wasn't black!

Take a listen:

Thanks for the info, Wikipedia!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's all good in the neighborhood

My neighbors are fantastic. The houses on our left and across the street are filled with the most fantastic, warm, funny, smart people. I've taken care of their kids for years and all of us are sad to be parting ways. The kids make a lot of fun of me, but I make fun of them so it's all good. Here is the note they wrote to me on their goodbye card
You are an awesome neighbor, we are so glad to know and have you as our neighbor. we are so sad that you are leaving but we know that you have to do something with your life and not live with your mom forever! even though she would like that! we hope that you have fun in massachusetts and that you have a good life and you can add to your 4 friends. so have lots of fun in your new life in massachusetts!
you rock!
 from Meaghan, Kendall, Kate, Grace, ian and caitlin

I love them!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I love snarkiness.
It can be a potent weapon. It can be funny. It takes some thought and brains, therefore, it is not a tool available to just anyone. I also love calling people "snarkypants". Really cuts through tension but still says "you are annoying the shit out of me". That said, I sure do hate when people are snarky to me. Especially when they are 10 years old and I have to help them bake 4 dozen muffins. (Which is what I did last night.)

Anyway, what brought on this ode to snark was a fine example I read today in an article my brother alerted me to (which I alerted him to a year ago...aren't siblings handy?). Do you all know who Mark Bittman is? If not, he's....somewhat of a god. He writes for the New York Times food column, The Minimalist, and also wrote How to Cook Everything and a number of other cookbooks. The article in question is about how to best equip your kitchen for the least amount of money. And, since I'm moving across the country into my first apartment, that's a question that's been weighing heavily on my mind. This bit at the end of the article lightened the mood a little bit:
The Inessentials
You can live without these 10 kitchen items:
BREAD MACHINE You can buy mediocre bread easily enough, or make the real thing without much practice.
MICROWAVE If you do a lot of reheating or fast (and damaging) defrosting, you may want one. But essential? No. And think about that counter space!
STAND MIXER Unless you’re a baking fanatic, it takes up too much room to justify it. A good whisk or a crummy handheld mixer will do fine.
BONING/FILLETING KNIVES Really? You’re a butcher now? Or a fishmonger? If so, go ahead, by all means. But I haven’t used my boning knife in years. (It’s pretty, though.)
WOK Counterproductive without a good wok station equipped with a high-B.T.U. burner. (There’s a nice setup at Bowery Restaurant Supply for $1,400 if you have the cash and the space.)
STOCKPOT The pot you use for boiling pasta will suffice, until you start making gallons of stock at a time.
PRESSURE COOKER It’s useful, but do you need one? No.
ANYTHING MADE OF COPPER More trouble than it’s worth, unless you have a pine-paneled wall you want to decorate.
RICE COOKER Yes, if you eat rice twice daily. Otherwise, no.
COUNTERTOP CONVECTION OVEN, ROTISSERIE, OR “ROASTER” Only if you’re a sucker for late-night cooking infomercials.

heh, heh. I especially like the bit about knives.

 Find the entire article here.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What she said

In this series, I'd like to take quotes out of context. 

"I suggest selling yourself on Craigslist under the heading of 'Men seeking Men with butt chins.' "

I've been spending a lot of time on Craigslist lately, what with a job/apartment/furniture/household-good-search underway.  So this line from Glee felt written for me. Craigslist is actually quite humorous. The stupidity displayed there amuses me...I usually walk away smiling because I am so puzzled at how some people act.

Did anyone else think this was hilarious? Did you watch it?

ps, I hope you guys enjoy my blog. It's hard work! You have to be willing to google the phrase 'men seeking men with butt chins', for example. I mean, something real scary could have popped up...I steeled myself for the worst.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I've sorta dropped off this blog for a while*, but I'm back. For a quick second at least, and because I have something to ask you all. I was going to disguise my plea for answers in a fun QOW (since I know you love those!) but really, I just need your help.

A few weeks ago my mom asked if I had any light delicates. I had a few, so I made a pile to add to her load. Sweaters, bras, etc. I also needed to wash my black sweatpants, which I've had forever and washed a million times. I didn't imagine it had any dye left to bleed in it, so I threw it in.


Of course, the only things damaged were a sweater and an office shirt of my mom's. They both have a few black blotches on them now. Oops. I feel terrible, but they went through the dryer and everything, so there's nothing I can do. I mean, it's a stain...but not the kind you can remove, right? I am flummoxed to think of anything that could separate the black dye out from the pink, and leave the pink, so I haven't tried anything yet. And, each day I don't do anything, my mom gets madder and madder because she thinks there must be something I can do and that I am just being lazy. Today she thew a guide called "How to Clean Practically Anything" at me.

So I ask you, to save my relationship with my mother (actually, truth be told, she told me she wouldn't get me any Christmas presents unless I fixed her shirts), is there anything I can do?

Sorry, Mom!

* I took a trip to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving!