Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dedication page

When I was in first grade, at my elementary school we started writing our own books. There was a whole process. First, you would write a little story. You would make sure you spelled everything correctly. Then you did a rough draft showing which words would go on each page. Then you waited your turn until you could use the one classroom computer to type it up and have it printed out. Then, you would illustrate it, after which you could hand it over to the teacher and have the covers laminated and the whole thing bound with one of those stretchy plastic binder columns. When you got it back, it would all be there:

 - Your front cover, with illustration, title, and author
 - Your title page
 - Your dedication (illustration optional)
 - The story, with illustrations on each page
 - About the author page (mine were often as long as the story...this was the interesting part!)
 - and, my favorite, The comments page.

The comments page was where everyone could read your book and write you a little note. Your classmates read it, you could show it to the older kids on the bus, you could take it home to show it to grandma, and all these people could write their compliments (after all, who makes mean comments in a child's book? nobody i'd like to know) on two blank pages in the back. These are my favorite to read now, even better than the story old friends, and their handwriting, people I don't even remember anymore, and most interesting, my parents. It's fascinating to see what they came up with to say about a ridiculous little story with terrible illustrations.

In honor of first grade and Huckleberry Classroom, here is the "dedication page" to start off my blog. I always like to be grateful, so what better way to start off this venture?


Thanks to ~
Rachel, Jill, and Meleta who inspired me to start a blog of my own. I never would have done it without you guys! and I'm talking serious. Thanks for the encouragement.


Now let's turn the page, and see what happens in this crazy lookin' story called Trina's life!

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