Monday, November 1, 2010

QOW: What's your favorite browser?

Do you know that I love Firefox? or as I call it, Mozilla. Is it Firefox Mozilla? Is Mozilla the company name or the product name? My brother's told me a hundred times, yet the whole dealio there eludes me. Anyway, found this in the depths of the internet: 

somebody's tumblr
First of all, points for an awesome costume! Go Firefox! Secondly, she gets points for being cute instead of awkward at a super awkward age.  I was totally awkward then (I'm guessing she's 13-15?) so I'm glad somebody was able to go through that period of life unscathed. (I guess I should explain that I just found a bunch of photos of myself from that era and it was harsh!).

What's your favorite web browser? What feature(s) do you love most about it?

Mine, clearly, is Firefox. It's the tabs...and nobody does tabs quite like Firefox. At any given time I have 10-40 tabs open, and I get totally pissed if people close them. Tabs and Firefox's easy history allow to you actually keep track of things on the internet and find them again! Firefox ftw.

This week's Question of the Week is an open response. There is a poll up, but I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments too!

1 comment:

Alexx said...

I just started using Chrome about a month ago, maybe?, and it's pretty great. The best thing about it is that the search bar and the address bar are merged into one, and it does the Google predictive search thing as you're typing into the box, using Google results as well as your own browsing history.

The one shitty thing about Chrome so far is that Google Maps Streetview doesn't fully work on it (you can't move around with your keyboard's arrows), which doesn't make any sense because Google makes Chrome, you think they could figure out how to make Google Maps work on it. Ridiculous!

Mozilla is the "company" (more like a group of open-source software developers), and Firefox is their web browser, just like Thunderbird is their email client (akin to Microsoft Outlook). It is a little confusing, I'll admit, because Mozilla (the "company") used to make a browser that was just called Mozilla. Also, Mozilla used to be the people that made ye olde Netscape Navigator

Nerds unite.