Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shopping Spree

For some mysterious reason, I got a credit for $108 at Delia's in the mail today. Actually, it was addressed to my mom, but why on Earth would Delias be refunding her..she hasn't given them any money in 10 years. I on the other hand, proudly shop at Delias all the time. In fact I'm wearing Delias pants right now. Laugh, but I always get admiring comments on the stuff I've ordered! Anyway, clearly the money goes to me. What would my mom buy for herself from Delias anyway?

I've actually been thinking they should reward me for being such a loyal customer. I'm glad they thought so too! As my friend said tonight "I'm in a place where I feel like everyone on the street should stop as I pass and hand me money." As in, for life to make up for being so shitty. Gotta say, I agree and so would most people I know. It's nice that Delia's is doing something about it for me.

Shitty life moments or not, I'm going shopping! Maybe I'll come and ask for advice from you if I have any tough decisions to make.

Remember when Delia's catalogs used sticky caps? that was old school. I distinctly remember paging through one of their catalogs in the backseat of my friend's car after soccer practice one day in 5th grade. Odd what you remember, isn't it?
(btw how spot-on is the first definition on that link?)

hope nobody from Delia's reads this and realizes they sent the card in mistake!

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