Saturday, November 6, 2010

This is awesome

The Amazing Facebook Breakup Graph
check out this link! just go read it because i want to copy the whole thing here because the whole thing is worth sharing, but that's not cool to do. (that's called plagiarism)!

Here's a graphic teaser though:

my comment is, how did he get all that data? can you really search facebook statuses like that? kind of worrisome of the answer is yes. or is that just among his friends? if so, it's not a very good sample. And I would point out this sample is only taken from the subset of people who actually post about being dumped online for the world to see. So, these results only apply to unclassy people.

But don't get me wrong! I have tons of friends that do that and I still love them.

And the information this gives is very interesting. I'd love to hear any reasoning for his results.

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