Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm actually not a crazy pet person, though
I got to see my favorite dog last week! She's my friend's puppy who is just officially 1 year. Shoutout to Katie! And my of Kitty. Those are my soft and huggy animals, since I can't have Hobbes.

Everyone, go hug an animal. It'll make you feel better, and I know you need it. But be responsible... you can't blame me if you get rabies. Make smart choices, people!

makes me think of....
Remember in elementary school they used to make you line up to go anywhere? At my school the gym teacher would get us all ready and before we were led out, we would have to shout
"Be Safe, Be Smart, and DON'T SMOKE!"
then on Fridays we would add "and have a gooooood weekend"


Ivonne said...

HAHAHAHA, that's a great line for kids to shout. amazing.

hannah said...

yay katie! i'm glad she ranks as your favorite dog :) give her a hug for me next time you see her.